11. June, 2024
Binding in the Forest
Norðurál has purchased 1,100 certified Icelandic carbon units from Yggdrasil Carbon. The units come from the YGG project at Arnaldsstöðum in Fljótsdal, where spruce, pine, and aspen were planted in the summer of 2022. The carbon units will not be valid until measurements show actual sequestration in the forest, but it is expected that Norðurál’s units will be realized all the way to 2072. A certified carbon unit is created when one ton of carbon dioxide, measured using recognized methods and certified as such, is removed from the atmosphere or is prevented from entering the atmosphere. This is the first certified carbon sequestration project in Iceland.
“We at Norðurál are pleased and proud to finally be able to purchase Icelandic certified carbon units, as the project supports our future goals that align with the Paris Agreement, of which Norðurál is a signatory. When it comes to environmental issues, it is important that we all think about the future,” says Steinunn Dögg Steinsen, Vice President, HSE, Sustainability and Management Systems at Century Aluminum, Norðurál’s parent company.
“It is a significant recognition of our good work to have Norðurál join our group of satisfied customers. It demonstrates trust in practice and faith in the project that such a large company has taken the step to decide to purchase certified carbon units from us. This encourages us even further to do good work, and we will confidently continue to develop high-quality certified carbon units,” says Björgvin Stefán Pétursson, CEO of Yggdrasil Carbon.