Low-Carbon Aluminum for Premium Products
With Natur-Al™ our customers can significantly reduce the carbon footprint of their premium products.
Our mission is to enhance the value of all products that are built with Natur-Al™. We want manufacturers to use our product with pride, and to gain an edge in the highly competitive markets for consumer goods, vehicles, packaging and construction materials.
Pure Aluminum for Premium Products
Natur-Al™ aluminum has direct CO₂ levels below two tonnes CO₂ per tonne of aluminium – one of the lowest CO₂ footprints in the world for aluminum. The total CO₂ footprint is four tonnes per tonne aluminum, less than one-quarter of the industry average. To achieve these levels requires strict adherence to the highest standards in the sourcing of bauxite and alumina, the exclusive use of Icelandic energy, and seamless operation of the reduction processes.
Natur-Al™ Benefits
• Direct and indirect CO₂ emissions less than one-quarter of the industry average
• Traceability from mine to metal
• Data available for use in life cycle analysis of finished products
• Third party verification of CO₂ emissions
• ASI Certified for responsible production, sourcing and stewardship of aluminum
ASI Certified – Made in Iceland
Natur-Al™ products are made at our Norðurál aluminum plant in Iceland. Norðurál is certified by the Aluminium Stewardship Initiative (ASI) for responsible production, sourcing and stewardship of aluminum. All CO₂ emissions are verified by independent third parties, facilitating life-cycle assessments for our customers.
For a list of ASI Certified Members, see here.
The ZERO Option
Natur-Al™ ZERO is our fully offset, pure, carbon-neutral aluminum product line. We encourage and assist our customers to go all the way to carbon-neutrality through contributions to reforestation and wetland-reclamation projects.
100% Recyclable
Our mission is to enhance the value of all products that are built with Natur-Al™. We want manufacturers to use our product with pride, and to use it to their own advantage in highly competitive markets for consumer goods, vehicles, medicine and construction materials.
Of course, Natur-Al™ is 100% recyclable, and repeated recycling will reduce its footprint even further. We provide premium aluminium with the lowest possible direct CO₂ footprint, and we hope it will be used over and over again.
Natur-Al™ Products
Natur-Al™ comes in standard ingots (20-22 kg) in primary grades P0610, P1015, P1020 and primary foundry alloy grade A356. All products are made in Iceland in full compliance with EEU and local laws and regulations. All emissions that may adversely impact the environment are monitored by independent parties.
Download the Natur-Al™ Factsheet here.
For further information, contact natural@nordural.is
Norðurál is a subsidiary of Century Aluminum.