Financial Statement 2023

Operational loss in 2023 was $42 millions. We produced 310.421 tonnes of aluminum and aluminum alloys. Electricity usage was about 25% of all electricity produced in Iceland. Total number of employees was 614.


Revenues 827
Profit (Loss) -42
Investments 79
Equity Ratio 67%
Return on Equity -4.8%
Employees 614
Production (tonnes) 310.421



Gunnar Guðlaugsson is Norðurál’s Managing Director. Board members in 2023 were Gunnar Guðlaugsson, Hólmfríður Kristjánsdóttir, John DeZee, Michelle Harrison, Rob Hoffman and Sigrún Helgadóttir.

Norðurál is an ISO 9001 Certified Company for Quality Controls. Environmental Standards and Safety Protocols are ISO 14001 and ISO 45001 Certified. The Company is an ÍST 85:2012 Equal Pay Certified Employer and an ASI Certified Environmentally and Socially Responsible Company.


Financial Statement 2023

Financial Statement 2022

Financial Statement 2021

Financial Statement 2020

Financial Statement 2019